The Life Friend

We all have that one friend that has been there through everything. The one that, even though you only see them a few times a year, you can still pick up like nothing has changed. I still have my life friend, and no we aren’t as close as we once were. We live in two very different worlds, but no matter what she is still there to lend a listening ear. Sometimes I know she has no idea what I am even talking about, but she doesn’t let me know that. She nods right along and just allows me to vent my heart out.

My life friend is an incredible mother. She has the most beautiful babies!! She is there for her kids and so very excited to get to do everything she can with them. She has made her mistakes, but also so have I. The beautiful thing about your life friend is that you don’t judge each other for those mistakes. She was there for me in my pre-high school years. Back when I was a very strange child. She stayed connected with me through high school as well, even though we went to different schools. During the school year when we were both busy we used to write letters to each other. She was my pen pal. This was before texting was a thing. Yes, we are talking pre-technology. We even had this friendship journal we would pass back and forth writing our hearts desires, our crushes, our heart aches. I trusted her more than I trusted myself. She was always honest with me. Even when the truth wasn’t what I wanted to hear. On the flip side of that, she knows when to say some of the sweetest things to me as well.

We shared A Lot of times together. She was there when we went on our first family vacation. It was both of our first times at the beach. The vacation itself could have been classified as a disaster, but when your best friend is there, it’s hard to let troubles get the best of you. We took a night stroll down the beach one night with my aunt and my cousins down to a karaoke bar. I think at this time I was 12 years old. On our way down the beach, some guys ran past us in towels. Then they dropped the towels and streaked across the beach while their friends cheered from a balcony. My aunt yelled out to them that “It’s not really streaking if you have a towel boys!”

She basically lived with me, and I with her. She came to most of my basketball games and was my number one fan…even though I wasn’t very good and didn’t get to play much. She knew how much it meant to me.

She also suffers from depression. She knows more than anyone exactly what I’m going through. She may not have had great taste in men, but she has great taste in friends. I will say that. She picked me. Even now when we see each other, the visits aren’t like they used to be. After we get the kiddos to bed and are finally able to talk, I can tell she is still my person. No matter what the two of us go through, she will always be my person and I could not thank her enough for all she has done for me in life. Thanks for me being the Patrick to my Spongebob.

A picture of our back and forth friend journal.
Back in the high school days.
My life friend.

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